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Spidey Snape
Disney Does Derrida: John Granger at Lumos 2006; D...
Fear of the name and the Wings of Death
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Red Hen
SunKatabasis: The Vertical Dimension of Chiasm and...
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Bugger! Bugger! Bugger! (Lumos 2006 Material)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- -->

Hogwarts, Hogwarts,
Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please,
Whether we be old and bald,
Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling,
With some interesting stuff,
For now they're bare
And full of air,
Dead flies and bits of fluff.
So teach us stuff worth knowing,
Bring back what we forgot,
Just do your best
We'll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot!

1: The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
2: Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
3: There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
4: Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
5: Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
6: His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
7: The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
8: The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
9: The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
10: More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
11: Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.
12: Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.
13: Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
14: Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Trips and Pics

Ok, This is a sort of "Merlin's New Digs" post, and we'll return you to the regularly scheduled Potter Programming after. :) First, I should have brought the camera to campus today to take a pic of the place I am sitting in and writing. From 1990 to 1993 Pauli and I played in a band together, and the best paying gigs were colleges and universities because they had the money budgeted in to the programming budget (for building a following though, the bars and clubs were the core places for gigs) ... so, sometime in that stretch one of the places we played was the Ramskeller at Fordham ... and I am this very moment looking at the place I remembering setting up my equipment something like 13-15 years ago ... pretty funky experience (when we played here back then we were rocking in and out in no time, on the way to another gig, so it was all a blur back then, all I remember is what the room looked like and where we set up).


So, Here is inside my new bedroom from standing just inside the door ... a wee bit ... well, a wee bit wee (considering I brought my whole library) ... but I am making do, as you can see (my friend Dom has always noted my pentient for "verticality") I'll have to take one of the from of the building from the street soon.

Here is what you can buy at the deli down on the corner, a small place packed with everything from beer to laundry detergent ... and Saint Candles (I grabbed St Jude, for lost causes :) )

This below is a shot (sorry for the sideways, couldn't figure how to get blogger to spin it) of the paper they hand out where I went to Mass Sunday ...

More to come in the future. And also getting back to the matter of Potter discussion :)
posted by Merlin at 2:17 PM

Comments on "Trips and Pics"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (September 01, 2006 12:36 AM) : 

Looks very cozy, Merlin. You might want to look for a St. Anthony candle because I suspect you'll have difficulty finding things in your room. LOL


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (September 02, 2006 8:48 AM) : 

FWIW, the spelling is "penchant".

And I totally understand the living in small places situation -- except I'm trying to deal with another adult and 3 kids in a 2-bedroom apt in Queens. I think I have to get a couple St. Anthony candles, and if there saint-branded flashlights, a St. Jude flashlight might be helpful. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (September 02, 2006 5:00 PM) : 

The candles made me think of something funny. A few years ago on Open Book (back when it was In Between Naps), someone posted in the comments an exchange that had taken place in a chat room. Apparently a very fundamentalist type was criticizing Catholics for "worshipping" statues, and a Roman Catholic deacon who was participating answered that Catholics used to worship statues, by now we worship banners. I'm sure the deacon went on to explain that Catholics don't worship statues and banners, but it was so funny I've never forgotten it.

Of course, Merlin doesn't have that problem given that he's found a traditional Latin Mass.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (September 03, 2006 6:31 AM) : 

If that's a traditional Latin Mass, why is the program in Italian?


Blogger Merlin said ... (September 03, 2006 6:14 PM) : 

It's not a Latin Mass ... haven't found an indult community up here yet ... it's from an Italian high Mass (homily and everything was in Italian ... no English except a visiting Dominican priest who was Nigerian but stationed out of Harrisburg and kind of "on tour" for fund raising, who spoke after the homily).

This is pretty wild ... I tried posting earlier today in the library but for some reason it was not working (had a comment on the issue of Spell casting with Felicity on the Spidey Snape post on that essay and lost the whole thing, cound't even get back to copy and paste to email myself with the content)... now I am sitting here in the laundromat on the internet while I do my laundry - they have an internet machine for $1/10 minutes - pretty wild compared to where I come from.

I was in Queens yesterday Meep - my buddy who came through by my mother's at like 6 am a few weeks ago and loaded my stuff into an empt cargo van he had rented on a return trip from Chicago delivering some of his stain glass work and took my stuff with him - he and his wife live in Queens so I had to pick my stuff up there last week (spent who knows how long driving around south of Queens Blvd trying to get on the blvd going east because Servix raod was washed out coming from the Grand Central) and I had been trying to hook up with him and his wife and their 1 yr old son all week (had a mishap getting on the wrong train and walked around Greenwich Village forver trying to find the place we were meeting, cel battery had died and completely missed them). They're moving to DC in a few weeks so I wanted to get some time hanging out with them.

So yesterday I went out there and hung out with them. Thought I might also meet up with another friend who lives in Forest Hills and works for the Brooklyn diocese but she had some other stuff come up. Stopped in Queen of Martyrs Church around 4 pm to see if there might be confessions but was a few hours late. It was fun hanging out in Queens though - I hung out with them there for New Year's this past year ... they live near the Van Wyck stop on the E line.

Anyway, I will have to get some more pics from around here up, some great murals and stuff in the Church on campus and in that Italian Church. And I'll have to get the content back up of what I was talking bout with Felicity on the other post.

Checking to see if it's done drying yet,


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (September 03, 2006 8:45 PM) : 

Oh, well now you know I'm illiterate. You're a real smartie-parts, Meep.

Merlin, try St. Agnes near Grand Central. They used to have one every Sunday IIRC.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (September 03, 2006 10:43 PM) : 

I can't even spell now. Fine.


Blogger Merlin said ... (September 04, 2006 8:04 PM) : 

thanks for the tip on St Agnes ... I will have to check it out.

And St Anthony is definitely on my list ... but the bedroom situation has gotten better since I figured out the bed ... meaning that it can go up, the headboard and footboard have tracks with props in them so you can heve the platform up at the top rather than down low, which opened up much more storage under the bed and thus more floor space ... still plenty of room in the bins under the bed and table to misplace stuff though :)


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