What's Going On Here?
I thought I'd provided a general update regarding this blog and some items of interest. The general answer to the question posed in the title is "not a whole lot". The real brains of this outfit has always been Merlin, and he is currently working like a dog on his doctorate up at Fordham U in the Bronx. Although he hasn't blogged here in quite some time, he can sometimes be found over at John Granger's blog commenting under his "secret identity", Brett. Cubeland Mystic likewise has decided to close up shop as far as blogging goes to concentrate more time and energy on his fiction writing. He has two books in the works and we wish him the greatest success. I have been blogging over here lately my relatively new, "kitchen sink-style" blog I named Contra Pauli for lack of any other name. The name is part tribute to the now defunct political parody blog I was part of for a time, The Contra Crunchy Conservative, and partly a shtick where I demand my readers offer heated criticism of anything with which they disagree. The content of Contra Pauli tends toward religion and society in general, but we get into film and music quite a bit as well with a touch of politics and all sprinkled liberally with my acerbic sense of humor. If you don't mind a few inside jokes, come on over and take a gander. As far as HP blog news, I see John Granger has a new post on the (rather unnecessary) proof that Rowling did intend Harry Potter to be an alchemical work. I'm sure the quote from Rowling herself will not satisfy those resembling Flat-earth Society members or the moon-landing deniers. Travis Prinzi continues his PubCast series which I highly recommend. He's currently on his 18th installment. He mentioned Dan Radcliffe's question to Rowling ("Isn't he [Dumbledore] dead?") and speculation stemming from the response last month. Sword of Gryffindor remains the first place I go to check on any Harry Potter news. I won't be formally shutting down Muggle Matters by any means. We'll leave it open indefinitely and as always, I welcome all readers' comments. |
posted by Pauli at 1:00 PM